Sunday 6 October 2013



I had a blast watching this movie. I actually loved the concept of a "Burn Book". I and a group of friends watched it together and we had lots of fun that night. Really good acting by Lindsy Lohan.It was a really engaging movie. The story line was awesome. No words to describe it. Its the best teen film i have watched as of yet.



Guilty as charged, I am a huge fan of Jane austen. But unfortunately I am too lazy to read. And this movie was the solution to my problem. I just love the dialogues. In fact who doesn't ?. I just love the lead actors, perfect casting. I had so much fun watching the movie. I was up all night watching it and i couldn't help but love the film. My god ! the push and pull between Elizabeth and Darcy was simply wow. This is a really good movie and all jane austen fans should watch it.


This movie always makes me cry. I don't understand why i cry, There is nothing sad in it. Maybe i get happy tears when i watch it. Its the perfect movie to watch during Christmas  This movie is truly wonderful. And i must admit watching it in Black'n'White was much better than watching it in color  The movie actually speaks to you in different ways. It taught me to appreciate what i have. Its a must watch for everyone. The performances by the actors just brought life to the whole thing. This is one movie i will never forget in my life. Simply love it. I don't have to actually describe the movies worth it specks for itself and anyone who has watched it will surely understand.      

Saturday 5 October 2013


"After all... I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her."(Signature quote of the movie.)
 I simply love this film. It was just super. It actually gave a glimpse into the life of actors and the things they have to go through. They are after all human, and to be human is to error but when actors make a mistake its all over the news and people so easily judge them. I really appreciate them for holding their act together all this time. This movie is just fantastic. My favorite actors are in the lead which makes me love this movie even more. All through the movie i was  wondering if they will ever be together and the ending was really great. I am literally speechless when talking about this movie. i can only get the feel of the movie in my heart, so its very hard for me to describe it through words. Its just that superb. If there is anyone who hasn't watched it, its just a shame because they are missing out on something wonderful.

Another Cinderella Story

Its a fantastic movie. I am already a huge fan of Selena Gomez after watching The Wizards of waverly Place, and after watching this movie i started liking her even more. God! Wizards of Waverly Place used to be my fav show when i was young and it still is. I loved the dance moves in the movie and the soundtracks were just fantastic. The story is awesome and anyone would easily fall in love with the movie.

A Cinderella Story.

I watched half of the movie in Tv, and then the power went out. So i watched the rest online. It was great. I am huge fan of Hilary Duff right now. I even watched the entire Lizzie Mcguire series after becoming her fan. It was awesome. I really loved this film.  I love fairy tales and giving them a modern twist makes me love them even more. It was really interesting and the climax was super. I wish these type of things happen in real life more often. 



 I am a huge fan of the terminator. Its my most watched action movie. Its fantastic every step of the way. I Just love it. It go me thinking what would the world be like if machines took over it?. But i have never arrived at the answer. because its just seems impossible to me.I am a huge Arnold fan. I never miss any of his movies. Terminator is the most interesting action packed movie i have ever watched. At first i thought action is not my thing, but after watching this movie, turns out i was wrong. and ever since i have watched Hundreds of action movies,(101 out of the 375 movies i have so far watched precisely).